Dark of Heartness
"The hourly wage of the median American worker has risen only 9 percent from 1979 to 2005. Not too good, eh?
Well, more precisely, not too good for the middle class. Certain other folks did just fine, thank you very much.
In 1982, CEOs made 42 times more in salary than the average worker at their company. By 2001, that ratio had grown to 525 to 1, meaning that a CEO today makes, over the course of eighteen holes and two beers, what the average worker pulls down in an entire year. Overall, the share of total national income going to the richest ten percent of Americans has returned – after holding steady from the 1930s through the 1960s at about one-third – to pre-New Deal levels of close to one-half, thus bequeathing to our happy country levels of economic inequality only the Third World can match (welcome to Managua, my friends)."
It has been rumored that Scott Svenson is pulling down a $100,000 salary per quarter at Ivey -- regardless of financial performance.
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