Thursday, March 01, 2007


"Nothing corrupts a society more than to disconnect effort and reward."

- John Maynard Keynes

There were red flags very early on with the new ownership. John Tubbs leaving. How the Cinco de Mayo slaughter was carried out, obviously. Paul Schille's irrelevance. Terry Calen's forced departure. The ongoing revolving door with the management team. Hiring managers and positions from outside when there were obvious internal hires more than qualified (Chad Mall, anybody?) and then watching the snubbed people move on while the newbies floundered. And just basic change, things always changing and never staying in one place long enough to allow anything to work. It got to the point where they were drawing obvious comparisons with the Bush administration on the order of incompetence going on.

These guys make the Keystone Cops look like the model of efficiency.


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